All Posts by

Juliann Whitebread

> Winter/Spring 2014

Message from the Chairman – Dr. Robert Hromas        Sometimes we as physicians take our own advice and sometimes we don’t. Take the case of smoking – In 1974, the fraction of physicians smoking was about the same as the general population, more than 20 percent. By 2004, the…

Medicine Master Clinician Award Winners 2014

Based on a vote from their peers, and UHC outcomes, here are your 2014 Master Clinicians: The Golden Masters are those faculty who have been here >25 years, and received top 10 vote totals. If you see them, congratulate them!…

Dr. Juan Salgado Named Director of Pulmonary Transplant

Juan Salgado, M.D., an assistant professor in the department of medicine, has been named director of the section of pulmonary transplantation and as the medical director of the lung transplantation service. Salgado, who previously served as interim director for both programs, received his medical degree from the Universidad del…

2014 Caranasos Medical Student Professionalism Award

The 2014 George J. Caranasos, MD Professionalism Award, established in 2012 by the Department of Medicine to honor the medical student selecting a career in internal medicine who has demonstrated outstanding altruism and integrity, was presented to Hamideh Asghari. Congrats Hamideh!…

New UF Health program blends holistic therapies and modern medicine

Acupuncture, meditation, massage — practices once considered “alternatives” to conventional medicine — are now becoming mainstream in hospitals and medical schools nationwide, and University of Florida Health’s Integrative Medicine Program is leading the way by expanding its services for patients.

> Summer 2013

Message from the Chairman – Dr. Robert Hromas Besides caring for our patients, the highest calling we have as physicians is to reproduce ourselves. We need to pass on the art and science of medicine to the next generation of physicians in order to ensure that the ill…

DoM Annual Celebration of Research

On Thursday, September 26th the Department of Medicine hosted its annual Celebration of Research at the UF Hilton Hotel Conference Center. The event included more 200 attendees and 84 poster presentations within the research categories of: Cell Biology/Molecular Biology Novel technology, diagnostics, or therapeutics Translational Medicine Clinical Trials/Epidemiology Each abstract…

Rheumatology Recieves 2013 Award for Best Consult Service

At this years Department of Medicine Clinical and Educational Retreat the 2013 Best Consult Service Award was given to Rheumatology based on surveys of the Hospitalist and General Medicine faculty. Pictured below: Dr. Robert Leverence, Dr. Eric Sobel, Dr. Jason Fromm For more information on the Division of Rheumatology…