Physician Spotlight – Statish Chandrashekaran, MD, FACP, FCCP
Satish Chandrashekaran, MD, FACP, FCCP is an assistant professor of medicine at UF College of Medicine’s division of pulmonary, critical care and sleep medicine.
Dr. Chandrashekaran joined UF Health Shands Hospital in 2014. He attributes the success of the advanced lung disease and lung transplant program to an outstanding team effort provided by an exceptional team of surgeons, physicians, nurse practitioners, nurse coordinators, and collaboration among many subspecialties.
“The goal is to offer lung transplantation to every patient with end stage lung disease who has failed maximal medical therapy,” Dr. Chandrashekaran said. “We are able to offer lung transplantation to some of the most complicated cases in the region, some of whom have been declined at other lung transplant centers for their complexity. We are able to do this as a result of phenomenal surgical expertise and extraordinary collaboration among all the medical subspecialties here at UF Health.”
Additionally, Dr. Chandrashekaran serves as the program director for the lung transplant fellowship program. The program is seeing more interest from pulmonary fellows and has produced excellent lung transplant fellows in the last two years. Our fellows have joined very busy lung transplant centers in the country.
“Developing research, exceptional clinical expertise and education are a top priority and are the key components for the continued success and growth of this program,” Dr. Chandrashekaran said.
His research interests include clinical outcomes in lung transplantation. He has presented on various topics, including expanding donor pool for lung transplantation, recurrent pneumothorax, acute respiratory distress syndrome, vasoplegic syndrome and alveolar hemorrhage from cryoglobulinemic vasculitis.
Dr. Chandrashekaran is board-certified in internal medicine, pulmonary medicine and critical care medicine. His clinical focus is the management of advanced lung diseases and lung transplantation.