Marilyn Arthur Memorial Lectureship
The Marilyn Arthur memorial lectureship was developed by her two children, David and Lori Arthur, in loving memory of their mother, Marilyn Arthur. In 2014, Mrs. Marilyn Arthur suffered a thrombotic microangiopathy/TTP-like illness while living in Sarasota, Florida. Throughout her illness the Arthur children were impressed with the open line of communication between Dr. Kitchens at the University of Florida and her local treating hematologists in Sarasota. Although their mother eventually succumbed to this illness, the Arthur children chose to set up a memorial lectureship in their mother’s name to encourage continued dissemination of knowledge and free-flowing information concerning TTP and the thrombotic microangiopathies. To date, this fund has supported three visiting lectureships as part of the Department of Medicine grand round series, the Division of Hematology weekly grand rounds, and further discussion of the thrombotic microangiopathies.