American Cancer Society Chris DiMarco Institutional Research Grant
Attention Junior Investigators
Through the “American Cancer Society Chris DiMarco Institutional Research Grant”, the University of Florida provides the opportunity for newly independent investigators to receive funding for cancer-related research in the areas of basic science, preclinical, epidemiology, clinical, cancer control, psychosocial and behavioral, health service, and health policy research, cancer in the poor and underserved, and childhood cancer.
- Maximum award is $30,000
- Awards are for a period of 12 months
- Grants will begin on or about March 1, 2012
At the time of application, applicants must be:
1.Independent, self-directed investigators early in their careers, for whom the institution must provide research facilities or space customary for an independent investigator.
2.Within six cumulative years of their first independent research or faculty appointment (ie Assistant Professors and/or Assistant Research Professor Instructor)
3.United States citizens, noncitizen nationals, or permanent residents of the United States. Permanent residents must submit, with the application, notarized evidence indicating they have an Alien Registration Receipt Card or have been approved for the issuance of such card as evidenced by an official passport stamp of the United States Immigration Service and that the form number of the card is I-551.
1.Applicants who were previously funded by this program
2.Applicants with nationally peer reviewed funding (including Bankhead Coley or James & Esther King Biomedical Research Award for State of Florida)
3.Applicants with more than 12 years of research experience from their terminal degree
4.Applicants with overlapping, extramural peer reviewed support
Letters of Intent are due on January 1, 2012
Full applications are due on January 31, 2012
The application and guidelines are attached. Letters of Intent and full applications should be emailed to Shelby Cruger as well as any questions. A DSR-1 form will not be required at the time of submission; however it is advised to begin IRB/IACUC procedures as soon as possible.
* Applications from underrepresented minorities and women are highly encouraged